Air Techniques VacStar 40 Dental Vacuum Pump Operatory Suction unit. This unit came out of a second location that had been replace a few years ago, The Dentist retired soon after replacement. Pump filters and pump rebuilt even not needed to be redone unit has a 2 year warranty. we send you out another pump if this one fails. This doctor was running 6 OPS with this unit. (2 HP) Free shipping eastern United States. This unit is easy to install we also provide Tech support.

AT Vacstar 40 2HP
Manufacturer: Air Techniques
Model: Vacstar 40
Serial Number: VS400-23040024
Power Requirements: 220V
Year: Rebuilt Pump (2 year warranty)
Pump Type: Wet
Total HP: 2 HP up to 6 Ops
Hg Pressure: NA
Operating Noise: A Low
Water Recycler Status: NA
Waste Separator Status: NA